The utils module

The utils module contains some classes that aren’t complex enough to warrent their own module, and aren’t tightly coupled with another class. There are currently 2 classes:

  • UsePath: A context manager for temporarilly adding a path to sys.path
  • Sensitive: A wrapper class used to provide masking to individual


UsePath is a Context Manager that temporarilly places a path at the start of sys.path. For example:

from enpyronments.utils import UsePath

# Let's pick a path to a module that isn't already on sys.path
module_path = 'path/to/some/module'

# Right now, module_path isn't on sys.path

with UsePath(module_path):
    # Here, module_path is the first item on sys.path
    import module_name as cool_module

# And now, module_path is no long on sys.path

Used to import settings modules without affecting anything that runs after.



Sensitive is a wrapper class that can be used to flag a setting in a python settings file as a sensitive value. Accessing the value from the Settings dict normally will retrieve the underlying value, but invoking Settings.masked() will replace the value of the setting with asterisks, allowing easy dumping of masked data to logs.

For example, let’s say we have an file with the following settings provided:


MODE = 'dev'
APIKEY = 'abc123pleasedonttrackme'

If we wanted our application to print a readout of all of our settings, by say calling json.dumps, we’d be exposing our Api key in the dump:

>>> json.dumps(settings)
{'MODE': 'dev', 'APIKEY': 'abc123pleasedonttrackme'}

To avoid this, while still being able to easily print out the current settings, we can use Sensitive:


from enpyronments.utils import Sensitive

MODE = 'dev'
APIKEY = Sensitive('abc123pleasedonttrackme')

And now, we can safely print our settings via settings.masked():

>>> json.dumps(settings.masked())
{'MODE': 'dev', 'APIKEY': '**********'}
