========== Quickstart ========== Requirements ------------ Python 3.6, 3.7+ Install ------- Install using pip: > pip install enpyronments .. note:: enpyronments is still very much in alpha, so be sure you're getting the most recent version when upgrading (pip won't grab the most recent alpha unless you specifiy the version number). Usage ----- Within your application, create a folder to hold your settings files (for this example, let's call it "settings"). In settings, create a file for your default settings (these are the values that will be used unless you explicitly overwrite them in another file). .. code-block:: python # settings/env.py DEBUG = False TARGET_URL = 'https://xkcd.com/info.0.json' Next, add settings\*_local.py to your .gitignore. In settings, create a env_local.py file: .. code-block:: python # settings/env_local.py MODE = 'dev' Now,